Chains of despair
Cloaked by darkness
The thundering echoes of great destruction to come
Mankind's mysteries
The dying world
Madness in it's sweetest form
What shrivels and dies must face the tempest
The angelic heaven bows to the ultimate truth
And melancholy grew
Anticipation mender through madness
Condemned to the same horrid fate
Insanity applauds
How sharp the awakening
Pale as disease
Give up the ghost
Cease the gloomy awakening
History foretold
The hidden stigmata
Totally annihilating the ecstasies innumerable
Materialize the vision
Give up the ghost
Cease the gloomy awakening
Cloaked by darkness
The thundering echoes of great destruction to come
Mankind's mysteries
The dying world
Madness in it's sweetest form
What shrivels and dies must face the tempest
The angelic heaven bows to the ultimate truth
And melancholy grew
Anticipation mender through madness
Condemned to the same horrid fate
Insanity applauds
How sharp the awakening
Pale as disease
Give up the ghost
Cease the gloomy awakening
History foretold
The hidden stigmata
Totally annihilating the ecstasies innumerable
Materialize the vision
Give up the ghost
Cease the gloomy awakening
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